Program Chair: Heather Berry, George Washington University;
The 2020 Academy of Management annual meeting will be held in the coastal seaport city of Vancouver in western Canada from 7 to 11 August. With its mild climate and proximity to mountains, rivers, beaches and lakes, Vancouver is consistently named as one of the top five worldwide cities for livability and quality of life. Drawing tourists and conference-goers alike, it is also the perfect location for our AOM conference next summer with the theme of “20/20: Broadening our Sight.”
The conference theme challenges us to broaden the way we “see” management and organizations, to break down dichotomies and to use our capabilities to make impactful contributions that address major organizational, societal and professional challenges. We invite members of the STR Division to submit papers and symposium proposals to join the discussion around this broad theme. Consider how topics such as corporate strategy and governance; international and emerging-market strategy; alliances, networks, acquisitions and other inter- or intra-organizational relationships; business models; competitive and cooperative interactions; open and collaborative innovation; resource and capability procurement and deployment; non-market strategy and sustainability; competitive and industry dynamics; and various other strategy issues play a role in broadening our sight and increasing our impact on individuals, organizations, society and our own profession. Click here for more information about the AOM theme and the conference in general.
Given the size and diversity of STR membership, related sessions are combined into tracks within our division. This structure helps to foster interaction among scholars working within particular research domains. It also helps to make a large conference feel smaller and reduces time conflicts and distance travelled among sessions on related research topics. I will be continuing in this tradition, with the help of EC members who will be serving as STR Track Chairs for the 2020 conference. In addition, we hope to organize a large number of symposia and selected shared paper sessions to encourage work in emerging areas of research and to stimulate valuable conversations across disciplines and divisions. This will give our members great opportunities to learn about new developments in different research domains and to build new connections across research streams.
Submissions: I would like to thank our continuing members and scholars who have submitted in prior years. Your contributions enrich our community. Please continue submitting your best research papers and most creative symposia! We also encourage Ph.D. students or others who have not yet submitted to AOM or the Division to do so. Symposia offer wonderful opportunities to collaborate with others, engage in meaningful scholarly dialogue, and highlight important topics. The most attractive symposia are those that are novel, combine different theoretical lenses or research methodologies, rigorously examine new phenomena from different angles, or throw a new light on old phenomena.
Submission Deadline: The Submission Center will open in early December 2019 and the deadline for next year’s conference is Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 5:00 PM ET (NY time). The Submission Center opens in early December 2019. Please consult the Academy of Management website for useful submission information and note that the STR Division maintains the same submission requirements as the Academy of Management.
Reviewers Needed! We strongly encourage all who are submitting to the STR Division to also volunteer to review for the STR Division. The reviewer sign-up system opens in early December 2019.
Call for Reviewers
Every year, the success of the STR program at the Academy of Management meeting depends on the papers and symposia that you, members or prospective members of the division, contribute. But that is not all!
The success also depends critically on your active involvement as reviewers for the scholarly program. In this role, you can shape the program and ensure that the most worthy and original work is featured in attractive, logical sessions. The program would be impossible to assemble without the input of hundreds of reviewers, whose developmental reviews not only help select the papers for inclusion in the program, but also provide useful feedback to all authors who submit their work to the division. Reviewing offers members the opportunity to develop as scholars, to see and shape nascent ideas and trends in our field, and to demonstrate to the division leadership their willingness to volunteer. Each year, the division generously recognizes 50 reviewers for their outstanding contribution – to be one of those, you must review for STR.
I count on, and thank you in advance, for your willingness to volunteer and contribute to the program by providing thoughtful and timely reviews. You will be able to sign up as a reviewer starting at the beginning of December 2019. You can sign up to review for no more than two divisions. The STR Division will ask you to review about three submissions starting after the 14 January submission deadline. Your reviewer assignment will be based on the topic codes that you indicate to represent your areas of expertise. This ensures an efficient and productive experience when reviewing for STR! More resources for reviewers are available here.
Please sign up to review for STR!