Program Co-Chairs: Fernanda Sauerbronn, UFRJ,, and Amon Barros, U. of Essex Business School
We invite submissions falling within the scope of the CMS Division’s domain statement for the scholarly program at the 2020 Academy of Management meeting in Vancouver.
The CMS Division is a broad community. As a group, we aim to foster meaningful research as well as develop an academic ethos of curiosity and solidarity. Research falling under the CMS domain aims, among other things, strive to bring reified structures of power to the fore and to listen to the struggles of people in their everyday lives.
Approaches to understanding these dynamics draw on a wide range of perspectives including anarchist, critical theory, feminist, labor process Marxist and post-Marxist, post-structuralist, postmodern, postcolonial and decolonial, psychoanalytic, as well as other approaches. Some recent trends in topics include but are not limited to: organizations in the Anthropocene, inequalities, social change and social movements, alternative economic and organizational forms, power and elite individuals and organizations, feminist ecology, and critical histories of management thought.
The 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management is themed “20/20: Broadening our Sight”. The call fits neatly within the CMS ethos since members of the division usually are interested in bringing to the fore topics that sometimes are marginalized, neglected or silenced.
There is enormous potential for CMS scholars to engage with the AOM theme. We invite theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions to the study of management and organizations from all places, ontological perspectives, epistemological affiliations, disciplinary orientations, methodological approaches, and empirical contexts. Specifically, we ask how power, politics, and economic constraints restrict our ability to speak, to listen, to hear, or to see?
Please check the CMS website to refer to the various awards given by the CMS Division. Scholarly papers (theoretical and empirical) and symposium proposals that address the conference theme are particularly welcomed. Papers and symposium proposals not directly engaging with the conference theme are also invited, as long as they relate to the CMS domain and advance scholarship within the Academy. Also, we encourage proposals that cross-division and interest group boundaries to engage members from across the Academy; in particular, we invite symposium proposals with multiple division co-sponsors.
If you would like to discuss a potential submission, especially for a symposium, you are invited to email us ( before the submissions are open. The submission deadline will be 14 January 2020, at 5:00 PM ET (NY Time).
Call for reviewers: Our community needs you!
The quality of our Division’s scholarly program very much depends on your willingness to sign up to review the submissions to the CMS Division main program. Even if you do not intend to submit or attend, we encourage you to sign up as a reviewer and help us put together a great meeting. Our strength as a community comes from as many members as possible, participating as fully as possible to lighten the load for everyone. The Division recognizes the valuable role played by reviewers through its award for Best Developmental Reviewer. Please sign up to review.