PDW Chair: Ria Hearld, University of Alabama at Birmingham, khearld@uab.edu
The Health Care Management Division has a rich history of innovative and engaging Professional Development Workshop sessions (PDWs). In 2020, we will convene our consortium for doctoral students and junior faculty in Vancouver on Friday, 7 August 2020 followed by a day of sessions open to all conference participants on Saturday, August 8th. We seek proposals from AOM members who wish to organize a PDW session for either the doctoral and junior faculty consortium on Friday or the Saturday program for all members.
At the consortium on Friday, experienced faculty will interact with doctoral students and junior faculty. Appropriate topics will address any of the various demands placed on emerging scholars. These sessions should encourage networking, mentoring (both traditional and peer), and the development of new skills or insights about career options and how to pursue them.
Saturday sessions should have a broader appeal to conference attendees at various stages in their careers. The goal with the Saturday workshops is to give attendees the opportunity to make new personal and intellectual connections that can enhance their research, teaching, and practice. Examples of past PDW topics include (but are not limited to) theory building in health care management, innovative research methods, approaches for bridging across disciplines and between research and practice, studying new organizational phenomena (e.g., accountable care organizations), exploring new teaching methods, career development, grant writing, international research issues, effective publishing strategies, and mentoring. We welcome new PDW session ideas and encores of successful sessions from prior years.
Please indicate the amount of time needed and detail how that time will be used. The standard session is between 90 minutes and 2 hours in length. Only under exceptional circumstances will PDWs longer than 2 hours be accepted.
The most important selection criteria for PDWs are the workshop’s potential for addressing participants’ professional development needs and providing an interactive participant-centered format. Experiential learning and interaction should be promoted in every proposal. Additionally, clear and feasible logistical plans and firm commitments from all presenters are necessary proposal components.
We encourage sessions that incorporate the 2020 theme “2020: Broadening Our Sight.” The theme is relevant for health care management scholars and practitioners who are concerned addressing such questions as: How can we integrate our research and teaching activities? How can we value different types of publications that target internal (e.g., other researchers) and external (i.e., practitioners) stakeholders? How can we find convergence across different domains to tackle common theoretical and practical problems? How can we balance scientific rigor with the demands for quick publications?
Individuals interested in organizing a session during either the emerging scholars consortium or the Saturday PDW program are encouraged to contact Ria Hearld (khearld@uab.edu) as soon as possible to discuss their ideas. PDW submissions must be submitted online through the Academy of Management online submission process. The submission system will open on early December 2019, and the closing date for submissions is Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 5 PM EST.