Program Chair: Brian Hilligoss, Stanford University,
Specific domain: The HCM division invites symposium and paper submissions addressing any aspect of the health care sector. Topics include management of health care providers and related firms such as pharmaceutical firms and medical device suppliers; public policy issues, such as access to care, competition, cost control and quality of care, and their implications for managers; health care finance and marketing; comparisons of health care across countries; empirical or conceptual applications of theory in health care organizations; and development of organizational theory from studies conducted in health care settings.
Special Instructions: In addition to submissions addressing the HCM domain, the HCM division also encourages papers and symposia focused on the 2020 conference theme, 2020: Broadening our Sight. The Academy’s overall call for submissions expands on this theme by asking how organizations, as well as the scholars who study them, can contribute to the betterment of society by overcoming dichotomies and avoiding zero-sum propositions. 2020: Broadening our Sight is an invitation to reflect on the role of organizations and management in the most pressing challenges in the 21st century, including conflict, discrimination, corruption, well-being, economic opportunity and equality, and climate change, among others. Submissions addressing the theme in ways related to health care management are welcome.
Symposia proposals are particularly encouraged, as they provide conference attendees a coherent, focused session of either a series of authored papers explicitly linked to a common theme, or a group of panelists engaged in a formal interactive discussion around particular issues or questions.
The HCM division also encourages submissions from Ph.D. students. Papers with a Ph.D. student as the first or sole author should be clearly identified at the time of submission. We also encourage papers that are earlier in development that would benefit from collegial discussion.
Division Awards
The HCM division honors the following papers:
Submission Process: All submissions must be made through the AOM Submission Center. The Submission Center will open in early December. The submission deadline is Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 5:00 PM ET (NY time) (but earlier submissions are encouraged).
Please carefully review all the submission guidelines and formatting instructions before submitting. If any of the guidelines or formatting instructions are not met, the submission cannot be reviewed. Please, note that there is limited space on the scholarly program; therefore, not all submissions will be accepted. If your paper is accepted, you are committing to attend the meeting in Vancouver, 7-11 August 2020. The PDW program runs Friday and Saturday, 7 and 8 August, from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. The scholarly program runs Sunday through Tuesday, 9-11 August (times vary).
Please sign up to review for HCM!