PDW Chair: Marco Marabelli, Bentley University, mmarabelli@bentley.edu
The Organizational Communication and Information Systems (OCIS) Division invites submissions for professional development workshops (PDWs) at the 2020 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. PDW sessions will be held between 8:00 AM Friday,7 August and 8:00 PM Saturday, 9 August 2020. They are an opportunity to be innovative, discuss unresolved questions, learn or teach best practices in teaching and research, debate future directions for our field and organize novel activities that bring the expertise and experience of OCIS members to bear on the challenges that we all face in our daily professional lives.
We seek sessions that recognize the division’s interdisciplinary approach to further the understanding of the behavioral, social, and economic processes at the intersection of communication, technology, and organizing. PDWs around the All Academy Theme of “20/20: Broadening our Sight” are especially encouraged. Workshops can take many forms such as tutorials, town hall meetings, breakout sessions, debates, roundtables, tours or research incubators – as long as they have a clear interactive component. Proposals will be evaluated on their ability to draw an audience from OCIS and across the Academy, innovativeness and potential impact on the professional success of participants.
PDW submissions must be made through the Academy's Submission Center website. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, 14 January 2020, 5PM ET (NY Time). If you are interested in proposing a PDW session or helping with the OCIS Doctoral or Junior Faculty Consortia you are welcome to contact PDW Chair, Marco Marabelli, at mmarabelli@bentley.edu before 14 December so we can work together to develop the idea.
Click to learn more about the OCIS Division.
Please note the following clarifications regarding the duration of proposed PDWs: