Call for Scholarly Program Submissions: Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

Program Chair: Sean HandleyUniversity of South

80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 7-11 August 2020

2020 Call for Submissions

The OSCM division invites scholarly papers and symposia submissions addressing any aspect of operations and supply chain management. We welcome submissions that consider the relevance of traditional operations and supply chain topics within a rapidly evolving environment characterized by the heightened expectations for sustainability and corporate social responsibility, the disruptive impact of emerging technologies, and the uncertainty in global socioeconomic factors.  

In addition to submissions addressing the operations and supply chain domain, the OSCM division also encourages papers and symposia focused on the 2020 conference theme, 20/20: Broadening our Sight. There are dichotomies that have emerged in our profession, which can serve as obstacles to our field making more meaningful contributions toward addressing the most pressing challenges facing organizations and society. By broadening our sight, we can overcome these dichotomies to create synergies and make more positive contributions to the field.  Thus, the 2020 theme invites members to broaden their sight by addressing questions such as: How do we integrate qualitative and quantitative methods, theories, and domains? How can our scholarship positively impact other academics as well as practitioners and policy makers? How can we find convergence across different domains to tackle common theoretical and practical problems? How do we balance scientific rigor with the demands for quick publications and managerial relevance? Submissions addressing the theme in these or other ways related to supply chain and operations management are welcome.

Symposia proposals are particularly encouraged as they provide conference attendees a coherent, focused session of either a series of authored papers explicitly linked to a common theme, or a group of panelists engaged in a formal interactive discussion around particular issues or questions.

The OSCM division also encourages submissions from PhD students. Papers with a PhD student as the first or sole author should be clearly identified at the time of submission. We also encourage papers that are earlier in development that would benefit from collegial discussion and constructive feedback.

Division AwardsThe OSCM division honors the following papers:

Chan Hahn Best Paper Award: All accepted papers are automatically entered into the competition. The finalists are selected before the conference, and the award is announced and handed out at the conference.

Best Student Paper Award: An accepted paper authored by doctoral students will also be recognized with the Best Student Paper Award. To be considered, the paper must be identified as a “student authored” paper at the time of submission.

Submission Process: All submissions must be made through the AOM Submission Center Center website. The Submission Center is targeted to open early December 2019. The submission deadline is Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 5:00 PM ET (NY Time) (but earlier submissions are encouraged).

Please carefully review all the submission guidelines and formatting instructions instructions before submitting. If any of the guidelines or formatting instructions are not met, the submission cannot be reviewed. Please note that there is limited space on the scholarly program; therefore, not all submissions will be accepted. All submissions will nevertheless make an important contribution to the OSCM division, as the number of submissions impacts future allocation of time on the program. If your paper is accepted, you are committing to attend the scholarly program in Vancouver, 9 August (Sunday) through 11 August (Tuesday), 2020.

Please sign up to review for OSCM!

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