Call for Scholarly Program Submissions:          Research Methods (RM) 

Program Chair: Dan Beal, Virginia Tech;

Specific Domain: The Research Methods (RM) Division supports the education and advancement of research methods relevant to the Academy. Specifically, the RM Division is concerned with scholarship in the following domains: (a) disseminating knowledge with respect to the appropriate application of research methods, (b) identifying and systematically developing research methods (both new and existing) within organizational research settings, and (c) providing a forum for education, and for debate, on the usefulness of analytic and data collection methods, on qualitative and quantitative research methods, on measurement issues, and on issues in philosophy of science.

Special Instructions:  The Research Methods Division encourages original submissions (empirical or conceptual papers, presenter symposia, and panel symposia) that inform organizational researchers about methodological issues. We welcome submissions that address qualitative and quantitative methodological topics involved in designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting micro, macro, or multilevel research. These topics may include theory development, philosophy of science, specific methodological techniques, or issues related to the 2020 meeting theme: "20/20: Broadening Our Sight." Submissions that evaluate applications of current methods or describe the development of new methods are also welcome. Finally, we especially encourage submissions of jointly sponsored symposia that provide solutions to substantive research problems.

Innovative Format for RM Division: Instructional Symposia. In response to the popularity of our professional development workshops (PDWs), the RM Division wants to infuse those innovative and interactive aspects into the scholarly program as Instructional Symposia. We encourage those of you who are considering a PDW submission focused on the pedagogy of a methodological technique to submit instead to the scholarly program as an Instructional Symposia. These Instructional Symposia can be a panel or presenter format and will involve multiple contributors, with the goal of teaching attendees how to understand and use a particular research methods technique.

If you wish to submit an Instructional Symposium, make sure that the title of your symposium begins with the words, "How to…". For example, the symposium could be titled: "How to Conduct Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis," "How to Publish Mixed-Methods Research," or "How to Identify Publication Bias via Meta-Analysis."

If you submit a paper or symposium, it is expected that you reciprocate by volunteering to review for the RM Division! Please note that you must renew your reviewer registration every year. Reviewer sign up opens early December 2019.

Submissions should be made through the Academy's Submission Center, and the deadline for submissions is Tuesday, 14 January 2020, at 5:00 PM ET (NY Time).

Division Awards: Awards sponsored by Sage Publications are given for the Best Conference Paper and the Best Student Paper submitted by a doctoral student or students. To be considered for the Best Student Paper award, a student must be the lead author and the paper must be clearly identified as a student paper at the time of submission.

If you want to know more about RM Division, please visit our website at:


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