(a) The nomination and confirmation process of new Fellows is administered by the Committee on Membership. This committee shall be as diverse as reasonable in terms of areas of specialization. The Dean shall appoint nine Active Fellows to serve for three year staggered terms. A member may not be reappointed to a successive term. However, a member may be reappointed after four years from the end of a term.
(b) The Dean shall appoint from among the members a chair and chair-designate for one year terms. The chair designate will normally assume the position of chair.
(c) Terms of appointment and office on the Committee on Membership will formally commence on August 1 and end on July 31, in accordance with the total time period of appointment. Normally, the Dean shall announce the appointments by May 1. This will enable those in attendance at the Academy meeting to arrange a meeting of the Committee of Membership to discuss issues related to the coming year.
(d) Recommendations made by the Committee on Membership to the Active Fellows for confirmation must receive the affirmative support of at least six of the nine members of the committee.
(e) Nominations of candidates for Fellows status may be made by Active Fellows to the Committee on Membership. In any one year, An Active Fellow may nominate only one candidate to the Committee on Membership. There is no requirement for a second to a nomination. The Committee on Membership may identify and consider candidates who are not nominated through Active Fellows.
(f) The Committee on Membership will carefully review and consider all candidates nominated by Active Fellows and determine which of these to submit to the Active Fellows for confirmation.
(g) A nominator may not be a member (or an emeritus/emerita member) of the faculty where the candidate for the Fellows Group received his/her terminal degree or currently holds an appointment. A member of the Committee on Membership may, however, be a member (or an emeritus/emerita member) of the faculty where the candidate received his or her terminal degree or currently holds an appointment. That said, a Fellow serving on the Committee on Membership may not initiate or promote the consideration of an individual who is on the faculty of that Committee member's University (or University where he or she holds emeritus/emerita standing). Moreover, a Fellow serving on the Committee on Membership may not initiate or promote the consideration of an individual who received a terminal degree from that member's University (or University where he or she holds emeritus/emerita standing).
(h) The Dean, in consultation with the Deputy Dean and Chair of the Committee of Membership, shall establish a detailed schedule for the consideration and confirmation of new Fellows. In general, such a schedule shall provide for the call for nominations to be made some time in October and for the completion of the entire nomination and confirmation process of the Committee on Membership's recommendations some time in April of the following year.
(i) Nominations shall be made on a standard form provided by the Deputy Dean, so that members of the Committee on Membership and Active Fellows may have comparable information on all candidates nominated and presented for confirmation.
(j) The nomination packet shall include: 1) the completed standard form, 2) concise statement of the nominee's specific contribution(s) to the science and practice of management through a one to two page (maximum) letter by the nominator, and 3) the nominee's full vita.
(k) To be elected to the Fellows Group, a candidate must receive an affirmative vote of sixty percent or more of Active Fellows voting to confirm or not confirm. The ballot shall reflect three options to the membership: confirm, not confirm, and abstain. Only votes of confirm or not confirm will be counted in determining an affirmative vote of sixty percent or more by those voting.
(1) The Deputy Dean will distribute to the Active Fellows all documents (including nomination packet) provided to and by the Committee on Membership. Ballots will be distributed by and returned to the Deputy Dean.
(m) In the event a member on the Committee on Membership is unable to fulfill her/his term of appointment, the Dean shall appoint a replacement for the remaining period of the vacated appointment term.
(n) Initially, the Committee on Membership will be established with three individuals appointed for a term of three years, three individuals appointed for a term of two years, and three individuals appointed for a term of one year. Normally, three individuals will go off of the committee each year and three will be added each year.