The AOM Teaching and Learning Conference Committee is seeking volunteers for the next Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC), an AOM-wide “conference within a conference” committed to advancing the practice of teaching. Launched in 2013 with the support of the Academy of Management Board of Governors as a sponsored strategic project, this conference has proven to be a great success with increasing levels of interest as the years have progressed.
The TLC Committee is seeking additional volunteers with a passion for teaching and the ability to invest time throughout the year to assist with the tasks required to make this conference a continuing success. Volunteers will serve a one-year term as At-Large members, with the potential to become Communication Co-Chair in the future. All volunteers should be able to commit a total of 80 to 100 hours throughout the year.
The TLC Committee is interested in applicants who meet the following selection criteria:
Appointment to the committee is made by the AOM TLC Committee Leadership Team in consultation with the Academy of Management Board of Governors.