2018 Publication Awards

Each year during the Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management recognizes authors of journal articles that were published in the previous year in each of the Academy's six journals. The selection process for the award committee for each journal is determined by the individual journal. In general, articles selected:

  • Advance the mission of the individual publication;
  • Bring forth core ideas that are original, important, and provocative;
  • Have a clear and important contribution to the field of management

Editors create a separate advisory committee to determine and select the article(s) from the prior year as the "Best Article."


Academy of Management Discoveries

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AMD Best Article Award Committee: Sara Rynes (chair), Paul Adler, Jean Bartunek, Martin Kilduff, and Alan Meyer

The mission of Academy of Management Discoveries is to publish phenomenon-driven empirical research that theories of management and organizations neither adequately predict nor explain. Data on these poorly-understood phenomena can come from any source, including ethnographic observations, lab and field experiments, field surveys, meta-analyses, construct validation research, and replication studies. AMD welcomes exploratory research at the pre-theory stage of knowledge development, where it is premature to specify hypotheses, and which generates surprising findings likely to stimulate and guide further exploration and analysis. This research must be grounded in rigorous state-of-the-art methods, present strong and persuasive evidence, and offer interesting and important implications for management theory and practice.



Paul M. Leonardi
University of California, Santa Barbara
 Diane E. Bailey
The University of Texas at Austin


Finalists for AMD's Best Article Award

Patrick Reilly
University of California–Los Angeles (UCLA)
Christoph Riedl
Northeastern University and Harvard University
Anita Williams Woolley
Carnegie Mellon University
Lieke L. Ten Brummelhuis
Simon Fraser University
Nancy P. Rothbard
University of Pennsylvania
Benjamin Uhrich
University of Pennsylvania
Tiona Zuzul
London Business School
Amy C. Edmondson
Harvard University


Academy of Management Journal

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AMJ Best Article Award Committee: Marc Gruber, Zeki Simsek, Wendy Smith, Oliver Alexy, Benjamin Campbell, Michael Frese, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Keith Hmieleski, Reddi Kotha, Brent Scott, Riki Takuechi, and Laszlo Tihanyi

The mission of the Academy of Management Journal is to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. The AMJ Best Article Award embodies this mission by recognizing outstanding articles that make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the management field.



"Networks, Technology, and Entrepreneurship: A Field Quasi-experiment among Women in Rural India"

Note: This article was accepted for publication during the term of AMJ’s previous Editor-in-Chief, Gerard George.

Viswanath Venkatesh
University of Arkansas
Jason D. Shaw
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tracy Ann Sykes
University of Arkansas
Samuel Fosso Wamba
Toulouse Business School
Mary Macharia
University of Arkansas


 Finalists for AMJ's Best Article Award

Otilia Obodaru
Rice University
Stine Grodal
Boston University
Siobhán O'Mahony
Boston University

Academy of Management Learning & Education

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AMLE Best Article Award Committee: Danna Greenberg, Mark Learmonth, and Sébastien Mena

The mission of the Academy of Management Learning & Education journal is to advance the knowledge and practice of management learning and education by publishing theoretical models and reviews, qualitative and quantitative research, critiques, exchanges and retrospectives on any substantive topic that is conceived with, and draws implications for, how managers learn and the educational process and context.



Fred Luthans
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
James B. Avey
Central Washington University
Jaime L. Patera
University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Sierk A. Horn
FH Vorarlberg, Austria


 Finalists for AMLE's Best Article Award

Mark Neal
SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom
Len J. Treviño
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, United States
David B. Balkin
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States
Luis R. Gomez-Mejia
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, United States


Academy of Management Perspectives

AMP Best Article Award Committee: Hugh O'Neill

The mission of the Academy of Management Perspectives journal is to provide accessible articles about important issues concerning management and business. Articles published in AMP translate research findings for a non-expert audience and rely on evidence based research to advance understanding of management issues that are relevant to a broad audience.



Ambec Stefan
Toulouse School of Economics (INRA-LERNA)
Lanoie Paul
HEC Montreal



Kristine M. Kuhn
Washington State University
Amir Maleki
Washington State University


Finalists for AMP's Best Article Award

Kevin G. Corley
Arizona State University
Beth S. Schinoff
Arizona State University


Academy of Management Review

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AMR Best Article Award Committee: Xavier Castaner, Sarah Kaplan, Carrie Leana, and Robert Lount

The mission of the Academy of Management Review journal is to publish new theoretical insights that advance the understanding of management and organizations. The AMR publishes novel, insightful and carefully crafted conceptual work that challenge conventional wisdom concerning all aspects of organizations and their roles in society.

Find more awards for AMR from this year's Annual Meeting.



Dirk Matten
York University, Toronto
Jeremy Moon
University of Nottingham



Eric M. Anicich
University of Southern California
Jacob B. Hirsh
University of Toronto


Finalists for AMR's Best Article Award

Russell J. Funk
University of Minnesota
Daniel Hirschman
Brown University
Ryan Fehr
University of Washington, Seattle
Ashley Fulmer
National University of Singapore
Eli Awtrey
University of Washington, Seattle
Jared A. Miller
University of Washington, Seattle
Michelle Hammond
University of Limerick
Rachel Clapp-Smith
Purdue University Northwest
Michael Palanski
Rochester Institute of Technology


Academy of Management Annals

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Annals Best Article Award Committee: Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Henrich Greve, Wanda J. Orlikowski, C.R. (Bob) Hinings, James D. Westphal, Sim B. Sitkin, Martin Kilduff, Hayagreeva Rao, Donald A. Palmer, Davide Ravasi, Sucheta Nadkarni, Royston Greenwood, and Miriam Erez

The mission of the Academy of Management Annals is to provide up-to-date, in-depth examinations of the latest advances in various management fields. Each yearly volume features critical and potentially provocative research reviews written by leading scholars exploring an assortment of research topics. Annals reviews summarize and/or challenge established assumptions and concepts, pinpoint problems and factual errors, inspire discussions, and illuminate possible avenues for further study. Research reviews published in the Annals are geared toward academic scholars in management and professionals in allied fields, such as sociology of organizations and organizational psychology.



Joe C. Magee
New York University
Adam D. Galinsky
Northwestern University



Laura B. Cardinal
University of South Carolina
Markus Kreutzer
EBS University
C. Chet Miller
University of Houston
Paul M. Leonardi
University of California, Santa Barbara
Emmanuelle Vaast
McGill University
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