Author Resources

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Disseminating Research

To have a research work published in an Academy of Management (AOM) journal is beneficial for both the researcher and his/her institution. It is through publication that the research, including its scientific and practical contributions, is disseminated to others within the management field. Publishing within the AOM portfolio makes researchers and practitioners with similar interests aware of new knowledge in their field and helps to advance knowledge and its application. Publishing also shows expertise in the management field and an ability to conduct grounded research. The published AOM work also reflects highly on the academic institution(s) affiliated with the author(s).

Article Submission Guidelines

The Academy of Management receives article submissions to our six journals. Each journal is different in domain and mission. All are considered “big tent” journals and encompass a broad range of topics. Therefore, it is recommended that potential authors visit each journal page to determine the best fit for their research. We also strongly recommend visiting the Information for Contributors and the Style Guide for Authors documents for each journal above.

Use the links below to submit original articles to the journal-specific ScholarOne site. 

  • Academy of Management Annals articles summarize and/or challenge established assumptions and concepts, pinpoint problems, inspire discussions, and illuminate areas for further study.
  • Academy of Management Journal includes articles that make strong empirical and theoretical contributions.
  • Academy of Management Discoveries includes articles that focus on reporting novel findings or unusual empirical patterns in their particular contexts that are not adequately explained by current theory and/or can play a critical role in the development and testing of new theory. 
  • Academy of Management Learning and Education includes articles that advance the knowledge and practice of management learning and education.
  • Academy of Management Perspectives includes articles that synthesize and translate theoretical and empirical research in management’s distinct subfields in a manner that makes them accessible for scholars outside that subfield.
  • Academy of Management Review includes conceptual articles that present new theory but do not contain new evidence.

Submission Requirements

To submit a manuscript, first make sure you have a Word file from which the title page and all author-identifying references have been removed. Then, go to the ScholarOne web site listed above and follow the directions. Acknowledgements of others' help in preparing the paper for submission should be included in the letter to the editor that is featured as part of the web-based submission process. If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the Manuscript Central helpline weekdays between 12:00-20:30 ET (GMT-5) at +1-434-964-4100 or 888-503-1050 (both U.S.-based numbers). If you are a new user this will be a two step process:

  1. First you establish your account by entering name and affiliation and address details. You may also be asked to enter a few keywords describing your work. Make sure at this stage that you do not submit your manuscript (despite the fact that there is the opportunity to upload a file).
  2. Second you go to "Author Center" where you provide information about the current manuscript that you are submitting. The instructions are fairly self-evident.
To facilitate the processing of submissions, please ensure that:
  • Your entire submission (including references) is double-spaced in 12-point or larger font with margins of one inch or more.
  • Your abstract is 200 words or less.
  • Your submission contains few and only necessary footnotes (not end notes).
  • There is nothing in your file that identifies the authors.
  • Any hypotheses are explicitly identified as such.
  • Constructs and variables are identified in words, not abbreviations.

The Journey From Research To Journal Publication

All AOM journals have detailed workflows ensuring submissions go through numerous checks to substantiate they meet AOM ethical and procedural guidelines during and throughout the submission and acceptance timeline. Each AOM journal has its own specific set of submission guidelines, codes of conduct policies and article formatting templates, which must be strictly adhered to throughout the publishing process. 

If a submitted article is accepted for review, the journal editorial team will initiate the peer reviewer process. Designated reviewers, chosen from a pool of subject specific volunteers, will each advise the editor to either recommend to approve the article, send it back for revision, or reject it. If revisions are recommended, the process continues until a final decision can be made on whether or not to publish the article within the individual AOM journal. 

Through these policies, procedures, and editorial mechanisms, AOM enables the advancement of management research to align with our mission and vision, providing top ranked vehicles for our content and an invaluable resource for our global authors. 

Important Notes:

  • Academy of Management does not charge submission fees.
  • Submissions to Academy of Management journals are not automatically published and go through a rigorous review process that may include multiple rounds of revisions.
  • If submitting your article to AMP,  please submit a short proposal and not a full text article. Proposals that do not conform to the proposal guidelines will not be considered. Please review the AMP proposal guidelines.
  • If submitting your article Annals, please submit a short proposal and not a full text article. Proposals that do not conform to the proposal guidelines will not be considered. Please review the Annals proposal guidelines.

Style Guidelines

Please review AOM's Style Guide for manuscript requirements prior to submitting.

Guidelines for submitting figures/images

  • Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.
  • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
  • Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript, with placement instructions between paragraphs within the body text to indicate where these items would go (e.g., "Insert Table 1 Here).

Guidelines for figures/images after acceptance

  • Submit each figure as a separate file. At this stage, do not embed art files into a Word or PDF document.
  • Line illustrations should be submitted at 900 dpi.
  • Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.
  • Save as either TIF or EPS files.
  • Color art must be saved as CMYK—not RGB.
  • Black and White art must be submitted as grayscale—not RGB.
  • PowerPoint or Excel files should NOT be submitted.


The Academy of Management uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. You can be reassured that AOM is committed to actively combating plagiarism and publishing original research. View the AOM plagiarism policy. Find out more about CrossCheck. iThenticate is also available to authors and researchers who wish to check their papers before submission. iThenticate compares submitted documents to extensive data repositories to create a comprehensive Similarity Report, which highlights and provides links to any significant text matches, helping to ensure that you are submitting an original and well-attributed document. iThenticate for Researchers is a separate service to CrossCheck.


View AOM’s Ethics policy page, which includes our Code of Ethics and detailed procedures and inquiry requests.

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