Submission Deadline: June 1, 2020: Migration Management
Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) publishes management research guided by empirical abduction and induction, including studies that use data exploration to surface significant new or emerging phenomenon using any number of empirical approaches. AMD papers should report novel findings or unusual empirical patterns in their particular indigenous contexts that are either not adequately explained by current theory or that may play a critical role in the development or testing of new theory. AMD seeks discoveries that will prompt new lines of research or practice that may subsequently appear in other AOM journals. All submissions should utilize data to isolate the plausible nature of new or poorly understood phenomena, identify their plausible antecedents and/or consequences, and/or shed light on the conditions potentially governing these relations. Ideally, these empirically driven insights provide a framework to guide further theory generation and a basis upon which to ground testable hypotheses.
AMD contributions should:
Authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with AOM’s Style Guide. In the abstract (of no more than 200 words) authors should briefly describe the discovery presented in their paper and its potential implications for advancing management knowledge and practice. Manuscripts that do not follow this style guide will be returned to their authors without review.
To submit a manuscript, first make sure that you have a Word file from which the title page and all author-identifying references have been removed. Then go to the Manuscript Central and follow the directions. If you need assistance uploading your paper, contact the Manuscript Central helpline on weekdays between 03:00-20:30 ET (GMT-5) at 1-434-817-2040, ext. 334 (United States), or +1-434-817-2042, ext. 334 (international).
When authors submit their manuscripts to AMD for publication consideration, they agree to abide by the journal's publication requirements. Violation of any of the following requirements listed below will be treated as a violation of the Academy of Management's Code of Ethical Conduct and will result in appropriate penalties.
Authors must state affirmatively that a manuscript submitted for review and possible publication in AMD:
Submission of manuscripts previously published in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings or previously presented at a conference or currently under consideration for presentation at a conference is acceptable. Submission of a manuscript to AMD also carries an implicit quid pro quo: willingness to review for AMD. The cornerstone of the editorial process at AMD is the willingness of colleagues to provide each other feedback through peer review. Authors who submit manuscripts to AMD for review are expected to reciprocate by reviewing for AMD if called on to do so.
Please review our Style Guide for manuscript requirements prior to submitting.
View AOM’s Ethics policy page, which includes our Code of Ethics and detailed procedures and inquiry requests.
AMD strives for quick publication and dissemination of important research results. The journal's review process is designed to efficiently evaluate whether articles submitted for review are worthy of publication.
Upon receiving a manuscript, the editor will complete a preliminary screening to assess the degree to which it fits the criteria described above. A submission that fails to satisfy these criteria or one that the editor considers to have little chance of becoming publishable after one round of revision will be returned to the authors without further review. Manuscripts that the editor considers suitable for peer-review will be assigned to an action editor and then go through a double-blind review process. The action editor will make a publication decision based on his or her own evaluation taking into consideration the comments and recommendations of the reviewers.
Communicating a discovery often requires the unique voice of the author to appreciate its nature and context. Therefore, AMD will strive to use review processes that leaves the authors' voice intact rather than over-imposing the voices of the reviewers or editors. To accomplish this, papers will be assessed from the author's framework and perspective rather than those of the reviewers or editors. Moreover, we will strive to make final publication decisions after no more than one revision.
Submission of a manuscript to AMD also carries an implicit quid pro quo: willingness to review for AMD. The cornerstone of the editorial process at AMD is the willingness of colleagues to provide each other feedback through peer review. Authors who submit manuscripts to AMD for review are expected to reciprocate by reviewing for AMD if called upon to do so.
Go to the Manuscript Central Website and login. At the Welcome Page, go to the Author Center. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Author Resources. Click below to submit a new document.
This is a six-step process.
Go to the Annals area of Manuscript Central Website. On the right-hand side, you will see a box that says New User? Click "Register Here”.
Registering is a three-step process:
If you need assistance with uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday-Friday) between 12:00-20:30 ET (GMT-5) at +1-434-964-4100 or +1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website.