Submitting to
Academy of Management Annals

Academy of Management Annals (Annals) is the highest ranked peer-reviewed journal in the categories of management and business. Articles submitted to Annals review, synthesize, interpret, and critique the literature on management-related topics. Annals reviews not only summarize recent literature, but feature critical and potentially provocative positions that are grounded in the review.

Annals contributions should

  • Review, synthesize, interpret, and critique the literature on management related topics
  • Summarize and challenge established concepts, pinpoint problems and factual errors, inspire discussions, and illuminate avenues for future research
  • Examine the latest advances in various management fields
  • Include critical and provocative research reviews written by leading scholars
  • Target academic scholars in management and professionals in allied fields, such as organizational psychology and sociology of organizations
  • Feature critical and potentially provocative positions that are grounded in the review 
  • Include extant empirical research to provide a substantial review
  • Have a broad scope to appeal to general interest, but not too broad that it cannot all be covered in one article
  • Avoid being a theory development paper or a traditional review that lacks a perspective and solely updates literature
  • Include extant empirical research to provide a substantial review
  • When submitting your article to Annals, please submit a short proposal and not a full text article. Proposals that do not conform to the proposal guidelines will not be considered.

Submission Requirements

Authors interested in publishing articles in Annals must first submit a brief proposal outlining their project. Please review the Proposal Guidelines for directions. If the proposal is accepted, the author will be invited to submit an article.

Submission of a manuscript to Annals also carries an implicit quid pro quo: willingness to review for Annals. The cornerstone of the editorial process at Annals is the willingness of colleagues to provide each other feedback through peer review. Authors who submit manuscripts to Annalsfor review are expected to reciprocate by reviewing for Annals if called upon to do so.

When authors submit their proposal or manuscript to Annals, they agree to abide by Annals publication requirements. Specifically, an author must:

  • Agree that the proposal or manuscript is not under review for publication elsewhere and will not be submitted to another publication entity during the review period at Annals
  • Confirm that the proposal or manuscript has not previously been submitted to Annals for review. This includes prior submission of a proposal that covers the same general topic area. The key issue is the extent to which the proposal focuses on a review of the same literature as an earlier proposal submission. If submitters are unsure if a new proposal is distinct enough from a prior proposal to qualify for submission, they should contact the editors for clarification
  • A copy of all authors' current CVs must be uploaded as part of the Proposal submission process. Please note the CVs will be reviewed by the Editors only and not the reviewers. Authors interested in publishing articles in the Academy of Management Annals must first submit a brief proposal outlining their project. Please review Proposal Guidelines for directions. If the proposal is accepted, the author will be invited to submit an article.

Proposal Guidelines

Please review our Style Guide for manuscript requirements prior to submitting.


View AOM’s Ethics policy page, which includes our Code of Ethics and detailed procedures and inquiry requests.

Please feel free to contact the editors, Stuart Bunderson ( or Carrie Leana ( with any additional questions you might have. For more information, contact

Review Process

The review process for Annals is a two-step process. Submitted proposals are first double-blind peer-reviewed by the assistant editors.

Second, upon acceptance, one of the reviewers becomes the Associate Editor of the paper. The paper then forgoes the double-blind process, and is reviewed only by the Associate Editor and Editor.

Directions for Users with an Account

Go to the Manuscript Central Website and login. At the Welcome Page, go to the Author Center. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Author Resources. Click below to submit a new document.

This is a six-step process.

  1. Type, title and abstract
    • Document Type: From the drop-down menu, select type of document.
    • Insert title.
    • Insert abstract (if you are submitting a proposal, insert a brief description about your proposal).
  2. Attributes
    • Select a keyword. Then click “Add”.
  3. Authors and Institutions
    • This page allows you to add additional authors.
  4. Details and comments
    • Answer all of the questions on this page. Please note that you should include any acknowledgments in the Cover Letter section. Because of the distinctive nature of ANNALS papers, the qualifications of the author to provide a definitive review of the area proposed is relevant to the decision to issue an invitation.  Thus, the Annals requires all authors to submit a current Curriculum Vitae (CV) as part of the submission process, but the CVs will be reviewed only by the editors, not the reviewers. Please upload the CV as a supplementary file Not for Review.
  5. File upload
    • Please note that File Designation is a drop down list and refers to the type of document that the author is uploading: proposal, article, table, figure/image, supplementary file for review (which can be viewed by editors and reviewers), or supplementary file Not for review (for the editor's eyes only).
  6. Review and submit
    • This page allows you to review your entire application and make any necessary changes before submitting.

Directions for New Users

Go to the Annals area of Manuscript Central Website. On the right-hand side, you will see a box that says New User? Click "Register Here”.

Registering is a three-step process:

  1. Email and name: Enter salutation, name, and email address
  2. Address: Enter your mailing address
  3. User ID & password: Here, you must create a password.
    1. Keyword: From the drop-down menu, select the keywords that describe your area of expertise. We will use this information to assign you articles to review.
    2. Unavailable Dates: Let us know if you are unavailable to review during a particular time period.
    3. Signature: Insert your name and title.
    4. Browse: This should be left blank.

If you need assistance with uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday-Friday) between 12:00-20:30 ET (GMT-5)  at +1-434-964-4100 or +1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their  website:

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