The “Academy of Management (AOM) Code of Ethics” sets forth (1) principles that underlie the professional responsibilities and conduct of the AOM’s membership and (2) enforced ethical standards that apply to members in official AOM roles
and to those participating in AOM-sponsored activities.1 The principles are guidelines for everyday professional activities. They constitute normative statements for academicians, researchers, and managers and provide guidance on issues
that AOM members may encounter in their professional work. The enforced ethical standards are standards that individuals must adhere to when participating in and carrying out the work of the Academy of Management. Although not enforced outside of
the Academy, these standards may also be viewed as guides for positive professional practice. Nonmembers who participate in AOM activities (e.g., authors, job seekers, etc.) also agree to adhere to the enforced ethical standards and to abide by the
rules and policies pertaining to the specific AOM activities they engage in.
AOM’s “Code of Ethics” consists of these sections: Introduction, Preamble, General Principles, Professional Principles, and Ethical Standards.
A separate document, the “Academy of Management Code of Ethics Policies and Procedures for Handling Charges of Ethical Standards Violations,” accompanies the “Code of Ethics.”
The Preamble, General Principles, and
Professional Principles set forth aspirational goals to guide AOM members toward the highest ideals of research, teaching, practice, and service. Although these goals are not enforceable, AOM members should consider them in seeking to arrive at ethical
courses of action.
The Ethical Standards set forth enforceable rules for conduct by AOM members.2 Most of the Ethical Standards are written broadly in order to apply to members in varied roles and activities, and the application
of an Ethical Standard may vary depending on the Academy context. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustive. General rules of participation also exist at various levels in the Academy (e.g., program submission, manuscript submission, placement, governance
activities, etc.). Conduct that this “Code of Ethics” does not specifically address is not necessarily ethical or unethical.
Membership in the AOM commits members to uphold the principles of the “AOM Code of Ethics”
and to adhere to the enforced ethical standards and the accompanying policies and procedures. Members are advised of this obligation upon joining the Academy of Management. Violations of the ethical standards may lead to the imposition of sanctions,
including termination of membership.
1 The Academy of Management Code of Ethics is adapted from the codes of other professional associations whose scientific principles are similar to the Academy. These include the APA, AIA, and ACA and others referenced in Codes of Professional
Responsibility (Gorlin, R. (Ed.) (1999). Codes of Professional Responsibility (4th ed.) Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs.
2 “AOM member(s)” generally refers to members of the Academy of Management as well as to nonmembers
participating in AOM activities.
The Academy of Management is devoted to increasing scientific and professional knowledge of management practices. It promotes the use of such knowledge to improve the work lives of individuals, the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations, and the
well-being of society as a whole. The AOM ensures that attention is paid to the rights and well-being of all organizational stakeholders.
AOM members respect and protect civil and human rights and the central importance of freedom of inquiry
and expression in research, teaching, and publication. They seek to help managers, employers, and public officials develop informed judgments and choices concerning the impact of business practices on individual employees and society, both nationally
and globally. In doing so, AOM members perform many roles, acting as researchers, teachers, consultants, diagnosticians, supervisors, administrators, commentators, and social interventionists. AOM members realize that to maintain ethical standards
they must make a personal, lifelong commitment to behaving ethically themselves; to encouraging students, supervisees, employees, employers, and colleagues to behave ethically; and to consulting with others when ethical questions arise.
These general principles are aspirations and serve as a guide for AOM members in determining ethical courses of action in various contexts. They exemplify the highest ideals of professional conduct and are intended to challenge members to the highest ethical ideals of the profession.
Our professional goals are to enhance the learning of students and colleagues and the effectiveness of organizations through our teaching, research, and practice of management. We have five major responsibilities:
These are enforceable standards of conduct applying to members in official Academy roles and members and nonmembers participating in Academy-sponsored activities. The Academy of Management is an association whose existence and operations depend on cooperation, involvement, and leadership from its members. AOM members adhere to the highest ethical standards when interacting with others in the association, participating in AOM activities, and assuming official roles. Members also abide by the rules and policies pertaining to the specific AOM activities they engage in (e.g., program submission, division bylaws, board requirements, etc.).