Submitting to
Academy of Management Perspectives

Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) publishes symposia and articles that address important issues concerning management and business with a focus on evidence rather than the development of theory. AMP's mission is to publish papers with policy implications based on management research. AMP articles leverage management theory to understand contemporary behavioral, socioeconomic, and  technological trends, highlighting their implications for the public interest or relying on a strong  evidence base of empirical findings to inform public policy. The journal publishes work that synthesizes and translates theoretical and empirical research such as reviews of what we already know, integration of diverse theories and empirical findings that inform in a new and interesting way, forward-looking expositions that integrate and articulate existing theory and findings with new and provocative ideas, and integration of theory and research in management with related advances in other non-management sciences and disciplines. We are calling for new symposia ideas that meet these types of work. 

Symposia consists of 4 to 6 papers discussing a well-defined topic. Unlike special issues, contributions to symposia are vetted by the symposium organizer, and curated so they complement each other.  Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: advances in the neuroscience of decision making, business strategies from data science, the impact of contingent labor force on organizational sustainability, the limits of private/public partnerships on organizational growth, and so on.

Perspectives Submissions Should

  • Develop connections between management evidence and public policy concerns by:
    • (i) critically assessing the impact of management theory and research on public policy;
    • (ii) summarizing empirical evidence to emphasize their policy implications;
    • (iii) identifying policy concerns that should motivate the development of new management theory and research; and/or
    • (iv) establishing a research agenda that informs public policy.
  • Broadly appeal to the “thought leader” audience
  • Fundamentally based on research evidence, which can be quantitative or qualitative, not based on an opinion
  • Be submitted as a short proposal outlining their project
  • Aim to raise debates and increase the discussion in the AOM community

Editorial Policies

Authors interested in publishing articles or symposia in AMP must submit a short proposal outlining their project. The editorial team will provide feedback and give a determination of the appropriateness of the project proposal for further consideration.

Authors should review the Proposal Guidelines as these are meant to facilitate the review process. Guidelines for submitting proposals can be found on the website. If the proposal is accepted, the author(s) will be invited to submit their article(s) for review. Note that acceptance of a proposal does not guarantee that the final article(s) will be accepted, as these will be subject to a double-blind review process and evaluated on their merits. Full text manuscripts should be formatted as Word files, double-spaced, and no more than 30 pages in length, including figures. Authors should supply a separate cover sheet with the names and complete contact information for the primary author and any coauthors. Author names should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript.

AMP strictly adheres to the APA Style Guide (6th edition). All manuscripts should be prepared using this manual. A copy can be purchased from the American Psychological Association's website:

Examples of APA Style

In-text Citations

Instead of endnotes, APA Style calls for in-text citations with references at the end of the manuscript. In-text references should read as follows:
In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, 2001)

Walker (2001) compared reaction times

In 2001, Walker compared reaction times

Past research (Smith, Corbin, & Gogel, 1985) has shown



Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family medication: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: America Psychological Association.

Article or chapter in an edited book

Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures can enhance both the reader's understanding of information and the efficiency of its presentation. But just as too many overhead slides can ruin an oral presentation, too many figures and tables can detract from the overall narrative. Thus we encourage the judicious use of tables and figures and we discourage their overuse. The proper construction of tables and figures is a detailed craft, so in preparing them for your manuscript, please follow the detailed instructions presented in the styles guide which is published in the first issue each year.

Guidelines for Submitting Figures/Images

  • Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.
  • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
  • Submit each figure as a separate file. Do NOT embed art files into a Word or PDF document.
  • Line illustrations should be submitted at 900 dpi.
  • Halftones and color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.
  • Save as either TIF or EPS files.
  • Color art must be saved as CMYK - not RGB.
  • Black and White art must be submitted as grayscale - not RGB.
  • PowerPoint or Excel files should NOT be submitted.

AMP is published in February, May, August, and November. Generally, manuscripts are reviewed by the Editor and then sent to an Associate Editor to solicit two blind reviews. A manuscript may be returned without blind review if judged to be inappropriate for publication in AMP.

Contributors should follow the Instructions for Electronic Submission found here.

For additional information, please contact the Editorial Office at:

Submitting a Manuscript

Electronic Submission Instructions

AMP follows a two-step process for article submissions. First, authors must submit a brief proposal that outlines the article. Proposal guidelines can be found on the AMP Web site by clicking here.

Examples of Paper and Symposium Proposals

If the proposal is accepted, the author will be invited to submit a manuscript. Editorial guidelines for formatting a manuscript can be found on the AMP Web site by clicking here.

Also, please see our Helpful Tips for Authors Submitting a Manuscript. Proposals and manuscripts must be submitted via our online system, Manuscript Central, website at

Directions for Using Manuscript Central

  1. Directions for New Users
  2. Directions for Users with an Account
  3. Directions for New Reviewers without an account

Directions for New Users

Go to the Manuscript Central Website at On the right-hand side, you will see a box that says New User? Click on "Register here."

  1. Registering is a three-step process.
  2. Email and name: Enter salutation, name, and email address
  3. Address: Enter mailing address
  4. User ID & password: Here, you must create a password.
    1. Keyword: We require that you submit three keywords for each document you are submitting. From the drop-down menu of keywords,select a keyword, then click Add
    2. Unavailable dates: This is only for reviewers. Please leave blank.
    3. Signature: Insert your name and title.
    4. Browse: This should be left blank; you will upload your document later.

If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday - Friday) between 2400 - 2030 EST (UTC - 5) at 1-434-964-4100 or 1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website,

Directions for Users with an Account

Go to the Manuscript Central Website at and log in. At the Welcome Page, go to Author Center. On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Author Resources. Click below to submit a new document.

This is a six-step process.

  1. Type, title & abstract
    • Document Type: From the drop-down menu, select type of document.
    • Insert title.
    • Insert abstract (if you are submitting a proposal, insert a brief description about your proposal). 
  2. Attributes
    • Keyword: We require that you submit three keywords for each document you are submitting. From the drop-down menu of keywords, select a keyword, then click Add.
  3. Authors & institutions
    • This page allows you to add additional authors.
  4. Details & comments
    • Answer all questions on this page. Please note that you should include any acknowledgements in the Cover Letter section. All author identifiers must be removed from your work prior to submission. Refer to submission requirements for details.
  5. File upload
    • Please note that File Designation is a drop down list and refers to the type of document that the author is uploading: cover letter, main document, supplementary file for review (which can be viewed by editors and reviewers), or supplementary file not for review (for the editor's eyes only).
  6. Review & submit
    • This page allows you to review your entire application and make any necessary changes before submitting.

If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday - Friday)between 2400 - 2030 EST (UTC - 5) at 1-434-964-4100 or 1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website.

Directions for New Reviewers

Go to the AMP area of Manuscript Central Website. On the right-hand side, you will see a box that says New User? Click on "Register here."

Registering is a three-step process

  1. Email and name: Enter salutation, name, and email address
  2. Address: Enter mailing address
  3. User ID & password: Here, you must create a password.
    • Keyword: From the drop-down menu, select the keywords that describe your area of expertise. We will use this information to assign you articles to review.
    • Unavailable dates: Let us know if you are unavailable to review during a particular time period.
    • Signature: Insert your name and title.
    • Browse: This should be left blank.

If you need assistance uploading your paper, please contact the ScholarOne helpline on weekdays (Monday – Friday) between 2400 - 2030 EST (UTC - 5)at 1-434-964-4100 or  1-888-503-1050 (US). You may also email them at: or visit their website.

Submission Requirements

When authors submit their proposal or manuscript to AMP for publication consideration, they agree to abide by AMP's publication requirements. Specifically, an author must:

  • Agree that the manuscript is not under review for publication elsewhere and will not be submitted to another publication entity during the review period at AMP.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not previously been submitted to AMP for review. Submission of manuscripts previously published in Academy Proceedings is acceptable; similarly, prior presentation at a conference or concurrent consideration for presentation at a conference does not disqualify a manuscript from submission to AMP.
  • Agree that working papers, prior drafts, and/or final versions of submitted manuscripts that are posted to a Web site (e.g., personal, departmental, university, or working series site) will be taken down during the review process.

Submission of a manuscript to the Academy of Management Perspectives also carries an implicit quid pro quo: willingness to review for AMP. Authors who submit articles to AMP for review are expected to reciprocate by reviewing for AMP if called upon to do so.

Authors interested in publishing articles in the Academy of Management Perspectives MUST submit a brief proposal outlining their project. Please review Proposal Guidelines for directions. If the proposal is accepted, the author will be invited to submit an article

To submit a manuscript, first make sure you have a Word file from which the title page and all author-identifying references have been removed. Then, go to the website at and follow the directions. Acknowledgments of others' help in preparing the paper for submission should be included in the letter to the Editor that is featured as part of the Web-based submission process.

Helpful Tips for Authors Submitting Articles

If your proposal is accepted, you will be invited to submit a manuscript. Here is a list of helpful tips for submitting your manuscript.

Please make sure that:

  • Your submission is in a Word file, from which the title page and all author-identifying references have been removed.
  • Your submission follows the American Psychological (APA) Style Guide, 5th Edition. (For an example of APA style, please go to APA Site).
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