Academy of Management Open Access

Green Open Access, also referred to as self-archiving, is the practice of placing a version of an author's manuscript into a personal repository, making it freely accessible. The version that can be deposited into a repository is the pre-copyedited, pre-published manuscript. Academy of Management (AOM) has established individual self-archiving policies that outline the terms and conditions, for example, which article version may be used and when the article can be made openly accessible and in what type of repository (see table). Complete open access to the finalized, Version of Record (VoR) of the article, including posting to an open institutional repository, can occur only after a 12-month embargo period. The AOM is still the copyright owner of all materials distributed in AOM publications. Currently, AOM does not support Gold, author-funded OA.

Did you know…

  • You can share your article(s) at a conference, with students and colleagues, for grant applications, on your personal blog or website, on a subject repository, or on a scholarly collaboration network.
  • Your article can become accessible to everyone with “Green” Open Access.
  • Editors select the Open Access articles.
  • Links on “Green” Open Access are the easiest way for your articles to be shared and cited.

Publishing Green Open Access with AOM

Articles accepted for publication via the AOM Green Open Access policy are selected by individual AOM editors. All authors who seek to publish their articles through AOM's Green OA policy must designate their research as OA mandated upon submission through AOM article processing system (ScholarOne Manuscripts). AOM requires supporting documentation mandating that the article is to be published via an Open Access mechanism. Please also refer to:

Green Open Access is the process of sharing a version of your article online so that the public can read your research. This is often accomplished by linking to your article or by sharing the full-text, which is sometimes known as manuscript posting or self-archiving. Linking can be done immediately to the final version of your article, but sharing the full text of your article requires a bit more time and effort as you need to be mindful of when, where, and how this is done. You are able to link or share the full text, but there are some advantages to linking to your articles:

  • Maximize Research Impact: Citation metrics are used to assess the impact of research, so it is essential that these are aggregated and shared. This is easier when you link to the full text rather than have multiple versions across different platforms.
  • Best Available Version: It is also important that you share the best available version so that readers can trust that they are reading the most up to date, correct, and citable version of your work. It is also important when linking; this is often done dynamically by publishers sharing their holdings information with both repositories and search engines, so that readers will automatically receive the best available version.
  • Article in Context: Another benefit of linking is that readers can benefit from finding other relevant articles, which will save them important time in discovering research. This can occur in the context of a repository, where they can see other research from your institution or from the publishing platform.
  • More Efficient: Linking is easier for authors as there is no additional step to deposit the full text version. After publication you'll receive a customized URL that provides access to your article, so you can promote it on all relevant platforms.


Publishers need certain permissions in order to publish and share your research. These permissions are defined by what is known as a journal publishing agreement or license. AOM uses an exclusive license agreement for Green Open Access articles, which means that AOM is granted:

  • The copyright of your article and the exclusive right to publish your article.
  • The right to share your article in all formats, so that your research is widely distributed after publication, using the latest technology.
  • The right to publish your article with your selected user license on our online platforms.
  • The right to enforce your user license, on your behalf, against third parties in the case of plagiarism, ethical disputes, and fraudulent use.

User License

The user license of an article determines how readers can share and use your article without the need to request permission. Before publishing open access, we recommend that you:

  • Understand what each user license permits and the rights that it grants to readers to use your article.
  • Check if your funding body or institution requires the use of a specific license in their policy.
  • Read your journal's Guide for Authors to ensure they offer the license you want to use.
  • Visit to read what to consider before agreeing to the AOM user license.

It is important to note that your license selection is non-revocable. At AOM, we provide Open Access publishing through a CC-BY-NC-ND license. The AOM provides authors the option to distribute their work, while still employing a commonly used OA licensing mechanism. The CC-BY-NC-ND license breaks down into the following:

  • Share (CC) – Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Attribution (BY) – Authors must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial (NC) – Authors may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • NoDerivatives (ND) – If authors remix, transform, or build upon the material, they may not distribute the modified material.

Article Sharing Policy

AOM supports responsible sharing. Responsible sharing inline with copyright enables publishers to sustain high quality journals and the services they provide to the research community. You can share your research at each stage of the research process:

  1. Pre-submission – Preprints can be shared anywhere at any time.
  2. After acceptance – Accepted manuscripts can be shared:
    • Privately with students or colleagues for their personal use
    • Privately on institutional repositories
    • On personal websites or blogs
  3. After publication – Green Open Access articles can be shared:
    • As a link to anywhere on the AOM website
    • Privately with students or colleagues for their personal use
  4. After a 12-month embargo – Author manuscripts can be shared:
    • Publicly on institutional repository
    • Publicly on commercial partner sites
    • Publicly as a link to anywhere on the AOM website at any time

Sharing Your AOM Green Open Access Article

At a conference: You can always present your research in forms such as a presentation or a poster.

For classroom teaching purposes: You can use your article for your own classroom teaching and internal training at your institution (including use in course packs and courseware).

For grant applications: You can include your article for grant funding purposes.

With your colleagues: You can easily share your article with your colleagues via email on a preprint server. You can always post your preprint on a preprint server

On your personal blog or website: We recommend that you list all your publications and link back to the final version on the AOM website to make it easier for you to be cited. In addition, you can also post your preprint or accepted manuscript on your non-commercial personal website or blog.On your institutional repository: You can post your Green Open Access accepted manuscript after the 12-month embargo to an institutional repository and make this publicly available after the embargo period has expired.

On a subject repository (or other non-commercial repository): You can always post your preprint version* and your accepted manuscript after the embargo period has expired. *Peer review restrictions apply. Prior drafts and/or final versions of submitted manuscripts posted on a website (e.g., personal, departmental, university, or working series sites) have been taken down prior to submission and will remain so during the review process.

On a scholarly collaboration network: You can share your preprint, article abstract, a link to your article, or social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. AOM will send you a "share link" (a personal, customized short link) that you will receive after final publication of your article. We encourage you to share this link on social media.

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