The Academy publishes the following journals:
Academy of Management Annals
Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD)
Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)
Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE)
Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP)
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Review (AMR)
At the Academy, our devoted volunteers — editors, associate editors, reviewers and editorial review board members — collaborate to advance knowledge creation and content dissemination for greater global relevancy and impact.
Introduced in 2018, the Academy now offers concise business summaries and collections through AOM Insights — evidence-based research transformed into easy-to-read and get-to-the-point online articles. Actionable tips and practical knowledge to improve the workplace are now available for managers and business leaders, derived from the research published in AOM’s premier journals. In addition to these bite-sized summaries, AOM Insights offers video and infographics to help leaders share information to influence the practices within their organizations.
Top 10 Most-Read Insights Summaries in 2018